This position may induce dizziness in pregnant women due to hormonal imbalance. Head balance is difficult and risky. This asana requires precise balance, and lack of experience might harm you and the fetus.
Handstand pose
This is the first trimester, when the baby implants into the uterus wall and the placenta starts to grow. When you do this yoga pose, you squeeze your stomach and blood vessels, which can make it harder for blood to get to your uterus.
Boat pose
The blood arteries in the abdomen are compressed as a result, which prevents the uterus from receiving a proper amount of blood. The development of the fetus may be negatively impacted as a result of this.
Half prayer twisting pose
The position calls for an exceptionally high level of steadiness. Because of this, there is a possibility that the blood supply to the uterus will be reduced. Additionally, if your body is not properly balanced, you run the chance of falling.
Half moon pose
Although you are obliged to rest on your back during the second trimester of your pregnancy, it is not suggested that you do so at this time. This is because lying on your back might cause certain complications.
Back lying pose/ corpse pose
To do the pose, you need to lie on your side with your legs stretched back and your hands under your shoulders. Your face should be facing up. The belly is pressed down on in this position, which is bad for the baby.
Cobra pose
It is possible that a pregnant lady might have adverse effects if she engages in backbends that are too intense. If you strain your back excessively during the second trimester of your pregnancy, you run the risk of developing a phenomenon known as diastasis.
Full wheel pose
Even more lying on your stomach, which you shouldn't do during the second trimester. The biggest blood vessel, the Vena cava, can be squished when you lie on your stomach. This can affect the flow of blood. The baby is also hurt by this position.
Locust pose
During this semester, the ligaments of the abdomen are stretched out as a result of the developing uterus. This position may induce greater stretching of the joints, which might lead to joint instability or ligament pull.
Fish pose