1. Leg Up Exercise
Lie down facing the ceiling with palms on the floor. Lift both legs to a 30-degree angle. Hold for five seconds, then lower slowly. Repeat 10 times.
2. Leg Stretch Exercise
Sit upright with legs stretched and joined. Move legs apart slowly. Bend to touch right toes with both hands, hold for five seconds. Repeat for the left side. Do this 10 times.
3. Air Cycling
Lie on your back and lift legs to a 90-degree angle. Simulate cycling forward for one minute. Lower legs slowly, then repeat cycling backward for one minute. Repeat the set 5 times.
4. Lunges
Stand straight, feet 3 cm apart, holding light weights. Step forward with right leg, bending the left leg. Repeat with left leg. Perform 10 repetitions.
5. Alphabet Tracing
Lie on your back. Lift right leg and trace A-Z. Repeat with left leg. Breathe and relax in between.
6. Table Top Crossover
Lie on your back and lift your body to a table shape. Raise right leg and left hand to touch right toes. Repeat for the left leg. Perform 20 repetitions.
7. Scissor Kick
Lie straight with palms behind your head. Lift legs straight and move them apart vertically. Repeat 15 times for each leg.
8. Squat
Stand with shoulders relaxed, legs apart, toes outward. Lower buttocks to a sitting position. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 10 times.